The Instructors Course is broken down into 7 phases which covers the complete syllabus extensively, ensuring the apprentice instructor is fully equipped in all manner of teaching the art in it’s entirety.
The 7 phases are:
Phase 1 - Ground fighting
Phase 2 - Upright Fighting
Phase 3 - Locks, Chocks and Grabs
Phase 4 - Multiple Attackers
Phase 5 - Kembangan
Phase 6 - Weaponry
Phase 7 - Full Weaponry
The course is broken down into 4 Instructor Workshops during the course of the year. Each workshop is 2 days long and held over the weekend. Saturdays will cover the physical aspects of the art which includes body conditioning, pad work, drills, forms and techniques. Sundays will cover the theory including principles, movements, postures and teaching.
Courtney Heka Muhammad
Uberto Bellavitis