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* excluding instructor access
Achieve your martial arts and fitness goals with SBL
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Meet the team
Alvin Guinanao
Chief Instructor
Ash Miah
Deputy Chief Instructor
Andrea Citarelli
SBL Italy Rep
Attila Nyitrai
SBL Hungary Rep
Our Members are lovin’it
Steven Brown
North Carolina, USA
Bea Nguyen
California, USA
Rollin Craft
Colorado, USA
Nick Foggin
Castellon, Spain
Janel Barlongo
California, USA
John Arden
California, USA
Brandon Walsh
California, USA
Stream Lessons
learn anywhere
Take classes on the go. At the gym, in the park, on holiday or wherever you learn best.
Our instructors have a passion for teaching and want to bring the best out of their students. They are supportive, empathise, achieve results, work together as a team whose only interest is to empower students to suceed.